
CatLight should not take window focus when switch between Windows Virtual Desktop

Hi, there:

Thanks for your nice work! 

I'm using Windows Virtual Desktop to organize the browser, IDE, etc... in to different windows.

Say I have an IDE for coding on desktop #1, and a browser for doc reference on desktop #2.

Without CatLight, I can switch between #1 and #2 with Win+Tab+LButton / Win+ArrowButton easily and continue typing at where I left. No need to use mouse to re-pick the window.

But when CatLight is open, it gain focus after all desktop switches, I have to re-pick through mouse-click or Alt+Tab, which is much slow.

Thank you !


1 reply

After a few days not using catlight, I tried it today and found this problem not exist anymore. Maybe fixed or it is something else caused the problem.